Cobalt blue

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It took everything in me to pick out this cobalt blue dress instead of my usual go to black dresses. I noticed that every time I go shopping, I end up picking out pieces that are very similar to what I already have, and also, black in color. This time, I made the conscious decision to spice things up. Something fierce. H&M didn't disappoint me when I walked in their store. This cobalt blue dress was hanging there looking so glorious. I almost ran away from it because of the fit. I am very body conscious and didn't think I'd do this dress any justice. Andy encouraged me to try it. He absolutely loved it on me. After what seemed like hours of convincing, I finally fell for his plea. If husband likes, Nana buys. :) And I am so glad I bought it because I fell in love with my curves all over again! 

Other than this dress being so strikingly gorgeous, it's also one of those pieces you can either wear casually or simply dress it up. Towards the bottom of this post, you'll see how I dressed it up with just a pair of black heels. Feel free to leave a comment on which of the looks you like better.

Dress and white flats from H&M//Purse from Ambiance SF//Black heels are Vince Camutos.